Bissera V. Pentcheva
Bissera V. Pentcheva, AudioVision in the Middle Ages: Sainte-Foy at Conques (Santa Cruz: Community Printers, 2023, distributed by Stanford University Press).
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2023a. The Choros of the Stars: Image, Chant, and Imagination at Ste. Foy at Conques. In From Words to Space: Textual Sources for Reconstructing and Understanding Medieval Sacred Spaces. Edited by Elisabetta Scirocco and Sible de Blauuw. Rome: Bibliotheca Hertziana, pp. 125-58.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2023b. Entwining Ephemeral with the Eternal: Locus, Conca, and Margarita at Conques. In Routledge Companion to Literature and Art. Edited by Neil Murphy et al. New York: Routledge, forthcoming.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2023c. “Fidelitas and Engan: Sainte Foy of Conques and the Art of Politics in the Culture of Fidelity,” Codex Aquilarensis 39, forthcoming.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2022a. Audiovision: Image and Chant at Ste. Foy in Conques. Musiktheorie37/1: 41–54.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2022b. The Virgin and Sainte Foy: Chant and the Original Design of the West Façade at Conques. Religions 13. 1299 https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13121229
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2021a. The Liveliness of the Methexic Image. In Medieval Art at the Intersection of Visuality and Material Culture: Studies in the Semantics of Vision, Edited by Raphaèle Preisinger. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 137–58.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2021b. “Imaging the Sacred in Virtuoso Chant and Dance: The Music of Ste. Foy and the Dancer/Singer of Almiphona (Paris, BnF, MS Lat. 1118).” Codex Aquilarensis 37: 335–56. Available online at the Santa Maria la Real Website: https://www.romanicodigital.com/sites/default/files/2022-10/C37-16_Bissera.pdf (accessed January 3, 2023)
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2020a. Performative Images and Cosmic Sound in the Exultet Liturgy of Southern Italy. Speculum 95/2: 396–466. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/708002
Pentcheva. Bissera. 2020b. Optical and Acoustic Aura in Medieval Art: The Golden Retable of the Pentecost at Stavelot. Material Religion 16/1: 1–30, https://doi.org/10.1080/17432200.2019.1696558
Pentcheva, Bissera, Ed. 2020. Icons of Sound: Architecture, Music and Imagination in Medieval Art. New York. Routledge
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2017. Hagia Sophia: Sound, Space, and Spirit in Byzantium. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2016. Glittering Eyes: Animation in the Byzantine Eikōn and the Western Imago. Codex Aqvilarensis 32: 209–36.
Pentcheva, Bissera. 2010. The Sensual Icon: Space, Ritual and the Senses in Byzantium. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. http://thesensualicon.com
Pentcheva and Jonathan Abel, “Icons of Sound: Auralizing the Lost Voice of Hagia Sophia,” Speculum 92/1 (2017): S336–S360, online https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/693439.
Jonathan S. Abel
Jonathan S. Abel, and Eoin F. Callery, “Networked audio auralization and feedback cancellation system and method,” US Patent App. 17/074,353, Applied February 4, 2021.
Kawczinski, Kimberly, Takako Fujioka, Elliot K Canfield-Dafilou, and Jonathan S Abel. “Perceptual Similarity and Scaling of Room Reverberation Features: Decay Time and Wet-Dry Ratio.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148, no. 4 (2020): 2749–2749.
Kawczinski, Kimberly, and Jonathan S Abel. “Perceptually-Informed Features for Room Reverberation Modeling and Prediction.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 149. Audio Engineering Society, 2020.
Jonathan S. Abel, Eoin F. Callery, and Elliot Kermit Canfield-Dafilou, “System and method for augmenting an acoustic space,” US Patent 10,812,902, Issued October 20, 2020.
Canfield-Dafilou, Elliot K., Eoin F. Callery, Jonathan S. Abel, and Jonathan Berger. “A Method for Studying Interactions between Music Performance and Rooms with Real-Time Virtual Acoustics.” In Proceedings of the 146th Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2019.
Abel, Jonathan S., Eoin Callery, and Elliot K. Canfield-Dafilou, “A Feedback Canceling Reverberator.” In Proceedings of the Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) Conference, 2018.
Canfield-Dafilou, Elliot K.,and Jonathan S. Abel. “An allpass chirp for constant signal-to-noise ratio impulse response measurement.” Presented at the Audio Engineering Society Convention 144, 2018.
Abel, Jonathan S., and Kurt James Werner. “Live Auralization of Cappella Romana at the Bing Concert Hall, Stanford University.” In Aural Architecture in Byzantium: Music, Acoustics, and Ritual, pp. 198–223. Routledge, 2017.
Chechile, A., C Basica, EK Canfield-Dafilou, JS Abel. “VampireVerb: A surreal simulation of the acoustics of Dracula’s Castle.” Abstract in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (4), 2718-2718.
Välimäki, Vesa, Julian Parker, Lauri Savioja, Julius O Smith, and Jonathan S Abel. “More than 50 Years of Artificial Reverberation.” In Audio Engineering Society Conference: 60th International Conference: Dreams (Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech). Audio Engineering Society, 2016.
Abel, Jonathan S, Sean Coffin, and Kyle Spratt. “A Modal Architecture for Artificial Reverberation with Application to Room Acoustics Modeling.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 137. Audio Engineering Society, 2014.
Hur, Yoomi, Young-cheol Park, Jonathan S Abel, and Dae Hee Youn. “Numerical Synthesis of an Optimal Low-Sidelobe Beam Pattern for a Microphone Array.” IEEE Signal Processing Letters 21, no. 8 (2014): 914–17.
Collecchia, Regina E, Jonathan S Abel, Sean Coffin, Eoin Callery, Yoo Hsiu Yeh, Kyle Spratt, and Julius O Smith III. “On the Acoustics of Alleyways.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 137. Audio Engineering Society, 2014.
Abel, Jonathan S., Wieslaw Woszczyk, Doyuen Ko, Scott Levine, Jonathan Hong, Travis Skare, Michael J. Wilson, Sean Coffin, and Fernando Lopez-Lezcano. “Recreation of the Acoustics of Hagia Sophia in Stanford’s Bing Concert Hall for the Concert Performance and Recording of Cappella Romana.” Presented at the International Symposium on Room Acoustics. 2013.
Lopez-Lezcano, F., T Skare, MJ Wilson, JS Abel.”Byzantium in Bing: Live Virtual Acoustics Employing Free Software.” In Proceedings of the Linux Audio Conference, 9-14, 2013.
Välimäki, Vesa, Julian D Parker, Lauri Savioja, Julius O Smith, and Jonathan S Abel. “Fifty Years of Artificial Reverberation.” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 20, no. 5 (2012): 1421–48.
Hur, Y, JS Abel, YC Park, DH Youn. “Techniques for synthetic reconfiguration of microphone arrays.” In The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 59 (6), 404-418, 2011.
Kolar, Miriam A, PR Cook, JS Abel, and JW Rick. “Acoustics, Architecture and Instruments in Ancient Chavín de Huántar, Perú.” In XII Congress ICTM Study Group for Music Archaeology, Sound and Ritual: Bridging Material and Living Cultures, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2011.
Abel, JS, Y Hur, Y Park, DH Youn. “A set of microphone array beamformers implementing a constant-amplitude panning law.” Audio Engineering Society Convention 129, 2010.
Abel, Jonathan S.; Bryan, Nicholas J.; Huang, Patty; Kolar, Miriam A. and Pentcheva, Bissera, “Estimating Room Impulse Responses from Recorded Balloon Pops,” Presented at the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 129th Convention (November 2010), online http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=15594.
Abel, Jonathan S, Nicholas J Bryan, and Miriam A Kolar. “Impulse Response Measurements in the Presence of Clock Drift.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 129. Audio Engineering Society, 2010.
Bryan, Nicholas J. , and Jonathan S. Abel. “Methods for Extending Room Impulse Responses Beyond Their Noise Floor.” In Proceedings of the 129th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), San Francisco, CA, USA, November 4–7, 2010.
Kolar, Miriam A, Jonathan S Abel, Patty Huang, John W Rick, Julius O Smith III, and Chris Chafe. “A Modular Computational Acoustic Model of Ancient Chavín de Huántar, Perú.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128, no. 4 (2010): 2329–2329.
Abel, JS, JW Rick, P Huang, MA Kolar, JO Smith, and JM Chowning. “On the Acoustics of the Underground Galleries of Ancient Chavín de Huántar, Peru.” Invited Paper Acoustics 8, no. 2008 (n.d.).
Huang, Patty, Jonathan S Abel, Hiroko Terasawa, and Jonathan Berger. “Reverberation Echo Density Psychoacoustics.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 125. Audio Engineering Society, 2008.
Huang, Patty, and Jonathan S Abel. “Aspects of Reverberation Echo Density.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 123. Audio Engineering Society, 2007.
Abel, Jonathan S, and Patty Huang. “A Simple, Robust Measure of Reverberation Echo Density.” In Audio Engineering Society Convention 121. Audio Engineering Society, 2006.